Monday 7 May 2012

MONDAY EVENING. Today was a day of much eating, which is unhelpful in every other way except for providing qual blog material. We cooked as a house today so needed a good one pot massive food fest which came in the form of Jamie Oliver's fajitas ( and the counter parts (fave word ever - it has featured at least twice in my most recent essay) of salsa and guacamole MY WIFE* HATTIE HAS JUST REMINDED ME OF SOMETHING VERY WORTH MENTIONING: once we had some 'guacamole style'  sauce that had ONLY 3% AVOCADO IN IT oh the trav. It was the worst guacamole style anything we had every had, so please just buy an avocado and mush it up by hand - so much more naturally green. I'm going to upload some expertly taken iPhone photos that don't really look too dazzling, but it still gives you an idea. I am a strong advocate that a plate should be colourful in two ways 1) The actual plate should be colourful - white plates make it look empty and sad, and 2) The meal itself should be colourful - anything in the green/orange/yellow/red/purple spectrum is brill. The best song to eat this meal with is this tidy little remix we all just discovered, and the book you should read tonight (oh come on, a book per night is so doable...surely you've finished the 600 pages of A Fine Balance by now?) Like Water for Chocolate which is appropriately Mexican and recipe based, if a little too OTT on the magical realism. It does also feature the most annoying mother figure ever in the form of Mama Cita - enjoy that one.

* not actual wife


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