Monday 18 March 2013

Imagine a spongy, hot waterbottled, soft, queensized hug of a bed. Then put yourself inside it; clean pyjamas, pleasantly full stomach, no alarms set. Isn't that great? Isn't that TOO great? Are you not now actually quite stuffy, a little too warm, prodded gently by the desire to turn the light on and get a glass of water? There is around a 74% chance you might be. So get up, reshuffle your heavy feather duvet, open a window, go to the loo, and climb back in, this time on your left hand side, slightly crushing your shoulder. It's a bit chillier, it's a bit less natural, but the minor loss of sensation in your arm furthers it reassuringly from nirvana and you are finally able to slot in that sleep daggerboard (I'm thinking Pico here) and sail away until morning.
Now you have this scene in your head, replace all beds with blogs and all yous with mes and the essential message becomes: I HAVE BORED MYSELF. Whilst I still enjoy eating, listening, and reading to a significant extent, I have lost a fair fraction of my desire to team them all together, so I'm going to give refreshing stuff a go for a minimum of one week.
Despite this, I am still a fan of combos, and as one continues to sleep in the same bed frame, even after rejigglin' yo shit, I am going to continue to blab in the same idea frame. I, therefore, present you with the following three things, randomly generated from Wikipedia search, in the hope of teaming them up in a glorious unison that will make very little sense.
Ok, so rather unfortunately, the first page we have been blessed with is a song production company, so it's not really shifting stuff around that much so far, but we can work with this. It's 'Providers' by two collaborative Danish hip hop artists - quite pleasantly relevant as I have myself just returned from Denmark where you will be pleased to know the currency resembles metal Jammy Dodgers. Providers, as a name, can also be seen to subtly hint at the fact they provide.
Even more unfortunately, the second page to be offered up is Hallands Nyheter - a Swedish newspaper with a readership of around 31,600. I have either been cursed to never progress, or some kind of internet man hiding in my computer is condemning me to eternal music and literature comparison. Having said that, I have been a bit lucky with the Scandinavian link, which is a nice easy starting point. There is a RLB* that joins Copenhagen to Malmö, just as I shall join Providers with Hallands Nyheter, and there is loads of engineeringy information I could give you about this, but frankly I don't want to. This publication focuses particularly on agricultural and rural issues and went through a financially tough time during its initial years, causing it to be frequently reinvested with changing ownership. As a result, the paper is a collaborative effort between multiple unions and individuals, just as Providers is a joint effort enterprise. Now how's that for boring and tenuous?
Let's just hope number three can put the hilarity back in similarity (copyrighted that one). Okaaaay so Yakshagana Bells it is. Well, it's not looking too bad actually, as they are played in pairs COLLABORATIVELY.They are attached to the fingers and struck together in order to keep tempo for singers, bringing a harmony and togetherness also demonstrated by the Danish music production group, and the Swedish publication team. Furthermore, all three elements operate on a basis of social cohesion - Providers supports musicians and their careers, Hallands Nyheter maintains the influence of the agricultural world in modern society, and Yakshagana Bells uphold a reliable rhythm for performers. Oh woah I just pulled out the biggest curviest eyelash ever, damnit that would look so nice if it was still on my eye.

*Rather Large Bridge

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